Microfiction | Drabble

Last Request

Not so fast, Jacqueline

Misha Seeks
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Desk with letter and pen on top
Image by author and DALL-E (AI)

Random word for drabble #184. Word: Rapid. The first sentence is: I’m not going to the reading of the will…

I’m not going to the reading of the will because I’m on a mission.

As Cornville, Arizona’s sole spectral medium, I’m prone to ghosts “jacking” — possessing — my body. My energy barriers weaken with any rapid downturn in my condition, like stress or exhaustion, and bloop! Spirits slip in.

Last night, my sister Shelly visited me.

I found myself at my desk this morning, a five-page letter in my handwriting, penned by her during the night. Shelly’s counting on me.

That sunning pit viper in heels poisoned her and swapped the will!

Jacqueline, her ex-business partner, is going down!

Pit vipers, also known as rattlesnakes, can be found in Arizona warming up in the sun on rocks or in parks, without heels, of course!

Nerdishwrites helps us remember that it can take only one positive moment to break negative illusions:



Misha Seeks
Fiction Shorts

Digital writer, inspo seeker. fiction dabbler, and self developer.