Lilith’s Last Day On Earth

Devilish ex claims the first rebellious woman

Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts
Feb 9, 2024


Image credits: AI and Alex Mos

Random Word Drabble Day 40: “Claims”

Please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds, clap and highlight if you like my short story of 100 words.

Lilith opened the door.

“How dare you come here?” she growled.

“I haven’t seen you for ages.” Lilith’s ex sneered, entering her penthouse.

“I didn’t miss you. What do you want?”

“It’s time for you to pay, Lilith.”

“Didn’t we settle things when I left Adam for you?”

“Afterwards, you disobeyed me and got what you wanted: independence, wisdom, and power.”

“I’m sorry it didn’t work out for both of us.”

“Oh, it worked out perfectly. I’m back today to claim your essence.”

“Time’s up?” Lilith smiled, having no regrets about trading her soul for a life of rebellious freedom.



Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts

Master's degree in Pharmacy; Romantic at heart; Joyful in life