“Listen To Me Linda” Was the Funniest and Most Frustrating Thing on Video

My daughter said, “Mom we need to get on the same page!”

Denise Estey Lindquist
Fiction Shorts


Fiction Shorts — Daily Random Word Drabble — Listen

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

My daughter came at me with this tirade: At Grandpa’s house, we can have cookies for breakfast. At Grandma’s house, we can stay up late. At Grandpa’s house, we can have target practice and ride snowmobiles.

Grandpa lets us watch R-rated movies.

I can explain that the rules are different here and they are different other places too! No target practice or riding snowmobiles at school for example.

Listen, Linda, you say that rules can be like grandpa’s just occasionally. Just now and then, there are special times, and you can get the grandpa rules!

She looked at me!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash



Denise Estey Lindquist
Fiction Shorts

Married, 7 children, 27 grand & 12 great. I am a part-time culture consultant. I write with Vocal, Medium, NaNoWriMo, and Facebook, A Poem A Day In February