Little Ellie’s Battle

A war to be won

Gary L Ellis
Fiction Shorts


Today’s random word is enough.

Image by DALL-E and Author (Using AI)

A 100-word drabble revealing a little one’s inner thoughts.

Little Ellie was a wiggler. She squirmed in her highchair, trying to stand up. “Sit down, Ellie,” Mommy said, gently pushing her right back down.

Ellie stood up again. “Enough, little bear,” Mommy sighed, sitting her down again.

Ellie’s feet wiggled as her eyes sparkled with mischief.

Mommy wasn’t giving up, but neither was she. Every time Mommy sat her down, Ellie stood right back up.

Finally, Mommy won. Or, so she thought.

Little Ellie was sitting alright, but with a pouty lower lip, she thought, “I might be sitting on the outside, but I’m still standing on the inside.”

As Mommies and Daddies, we probably don’t win as often as we think 😄

More 100-word drabble of A-Z fictional stories, using the word of the day, can be found right here:



Gary L Ellis
Fiction Shorts

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!