
Long Distance Doesn’t Work, Does It?

A random word drabble: college

Jonny Masters
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by Radek Pestka on Unsplash

Take your time. That means your read will count. You can pass the time by highlighting, clapping and commenting if you enjoy what you read.

In June, Fiction Shorts are offering a twister to go with some of the daily words. Today, the twist is a genre: romance.

Our relationship was a secret for years. Fourteen-year-old boys didn’t have relationships in those days. We fell into it, exploring feelings in our body we didn’t understand. To cut a long story short, we finally realised we were in love.

Then it was time for college…

I wanted to study physics. He wanted to study politics. I wanted to head to the East Coast. He, to stay out West.

We thought long distance wouldn’t work. We were wrong.

We called every day, and visited when we’d scraped and saved enough.

We are married now, and in our forties!

This Drabble (a story of exactly 100 words) was written in response to this prompt from Nancy Oglesby:



Jonny Masters
Fiction Shorts

Gay Christian. Editor of Poetry Playground, Inclusive Christianity, Prism & Pen. I write a daily drabble with themes such as pets, tourism, humour and politics.