Love in the Unlikeliest of Places

A daily drabble challenge

Karen Schwartz
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2024


Today’s random word is Institution.

(Warning — Content alludes to suicide)

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Because drabbles are short, please consider staying on this page for at least 30 seconds to count as a read. đź’•

Claire didn’t know which was worse. No snacks after nine or no fleeing the locked doors; either way, she felt trapped.

The mental health institution was alive with activity, but Claire felt anti-social.

When Dad died, he took her lustre for life with him. She vowed she’d never love again. It hurt too much.

When Jonathan arrived, Claire saw herself reflected in his grief-stricken eyes. As she slinked into the bathroom and took the razor from his grasp, John pulled her to him, their lips locking.

Claire had miraculously saved a life, while John gave her back hers.

Nancy Oglesby writes, “If you are unfamiliar with a drabble, it is a fiction story of exactly 100 words.”

To make the challenge more interesting, each day, she gives a random word prompt.

Don’t miss out on today’s drabble.



Karen Schwartz
Fiction Shorts

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.