Member-only story
Murder Most Foul
RWDrabble 2.0.010 | Insufficient
A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words — no more, no less. So please stick around for 30 seconds so Medium can see it’s been read. Any claps, highlights, and comments will help support my work and encourage me to keep going.
Today’s drabble must feature the random word of the day and be set in the past.
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“I don’t feel comfortable putting my sister-in-law in harm’s way, Detective. Not after my wife was so heinously murdered!” Abraham Roberts was becoming agitated.
“I wish there were another way. But we have insufficient evidence as things stand.”
Amelia entered the house, passed the groundsman, and caught his eye. Wordlessly, she retired to her sister’s room. Police watched the groundsman as the housemaid snuck into the bedroom.
“Thought I’d killed yer. I’ll be sure to finish the job this time,” she said menacingly. Before she could act, the detective cuffed her.
“Well, this is not what I suspected.”
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