My Favorite Place To Be Daydreaming About Otis and Elvis

When two words collide. Today’s word is fantastic.

cindee D Renee
Fiction Shorts


Photo by Kevin Noble on Unsplash

A Drabble is a story with 100 words. Here’s my first crack at it. Please be generous! Inspired by the attached Drabble challenge.

Here is the Drabble Shorts link as well.

We sat at the pier together as the breeze pierced our eyes. You know that song Otis sang? It ran through my memory bank.

“When Otis sat at the dock of the day, was he thinking of sitting with someone?” I wondered.

“Probably not,” Bill said.

“But that conversation would be fantastic, Sandy,” he bellowed, his voice shaking the pier.

Did Otis and Elvis have anything in common? Would these two talents whistle lyrics or would they come up with great ones together? What would they write? I’d sure like to know.

“What a collaboration that would be,” I said.

you for reading. so enjoyed this one by Poet in the Arctic for its musicality.

I so enjoyed this one by Poet in The Arctic for it’s musicality.

Thank you for reading.

