My Zia Walks Out
Where’s the cannoli?
Today’s random word is pizza, and we got an extra 50 words as the twist!
A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
PSA: I’d recommend you stay on the page for 30 seconds, clap, highlight, comment, etc., but that might cause the overzealous randomizer to sweep me into its clutches, so I’ll not do that.
When the moon-a hits your eye like a big-a pizza pie
That’s amore!
I can still hear Zio Nico singing at every family get-together. Zia Gita always made his favorite, Italian Beef sandwiches with peppers, and the Chianti flowed! I wondered why Zia was so tired.
Just as life returned to normal after Christmas and New Year’s, Zio hosted Carnevale, a huge Lenten celebration beginning in February. Every relative, nonnis, zia e zio, cugini, would arrive, ostentatious costumes disguising their identity; wine ran in veins like blood.
The tables were laden with delights: frittelle, castagnole, zeppole, and the piece de resistance, cannoli from Dicenzo’s bakery… Carnevale was decadence personified!
Until the day Zia Gita walked out, tired of Zio getting all the credit. No Italian Beef, castagnole, or cannoli. The tables were bare save for a single slice of white cake decorated with…