Nancy’s 100-Word Drabble Challenge

Nancy used to walk the red carpet until it wore out. Now she walks the battlements of creative genius. 😂💚

Harry Hogg
Fiction Shorts
3 min readAug 3, 2024


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If you’d be kind enough
to spend 30 seconds
highlight a word
respond kindly
I’ll get paid for my work ❤

Random word: — Model Twister — Drabble and a Half

Image: Author — Visit to Picasso Museum in Antibes, France

In the garden, he finished sketching on the cigarette and presented it to Adele.

“When I die,” she mused, admiring the sketch, “and I’m lying in my coffin, I should like this cigarette placed between my lips.”

“So your skirt will be raised as usual then,” ventured Luis.

Adele hissed at him. “If your cock was made of glass,” she spat, “I’d shrill like a soprano till it shattered !”

Salvador glanced at her and suddenly realised he was in love.

Outside in the hedge, a butterfly turned into a caterpillar, just to be different and nocturnal animals came awake, complaining about daylight.

Inside, a man knocked on the door and entered the room. His mouth was on one side of his face, his nose protruded from the other, and both ears were on the same side of his head.

“About time,” Dali drawled, “Picasso’s model has arrived at last.”

Lynn shows us how children can show their destiny very early.



Harry Hogg
Fiction Shorts

Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2025