New Accommodation

Delays and frustrations

Tonia Bakare
Fiction Shorts


Drabble Word Prompt 88: Considerable

A one storey brick building with window sand doors, and two chimneys.
Photo by Kirsten Drew on Unsplash

Because a drabble is quite short(only 100 words) please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds to count this as a full read. Reading to the end, clapping, and highlighting will help to do this.

Jackie’s been calling the landlord of the apartment she just paid for. She had until the end of the week to move out of her cousin’s place because his wife and kids were coming back from vacation.

When she dials his number again, he answers.

“I’ve been trying to reach you. Are the repairs completed? I need to move in by the weekend.”

“That won’t be possible. There was a wind storm in the area yesterday and there was considerable damage to the roof.”

“How long will the repairs take?”

“About two weeks.”

It’s back to her friend’s couch again.



Tonia Bakare
Fiction Shorts

Christian. Mental Health and Wellness. Personal Development. Lawyer. Love books. Love poetry. Love sharing knowledge and learning.