New In Town

100-word short story

Victoria Virgo
Fiction Shorts


The random word is act

Image created with Nightcafe AI by author

Sumner looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was neat, his clothes clean and his gun was properly holstered.

His promotion had taken him to a new town. He arrived late last night.

First day on the job and he knew exactly how he needed to act.

He checked his watch. The glass needed replacing.

“Morning, Detective Sumner.”

He nodded as he looked down at the dead body at the scene.

She looked younger in the daylight.

No one noticed him retrieving the broken watch face.

He knew this case would never be solved. He’d make sure of it.

What Is A Drabble?

A drabble is a story told in 100 words. No more, no less.

About Me

My name is Victoria. I am a 50+ year-old woman having fun learning how to make money from my hobbies (writing, travelling & YouTube) in a stress-free way.

Follow my journey at The Introverted Content Creator, my FREE newsletter.

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Victoria Virgo
Fiction Shorts

A 50+ year old woman learning how to make money from my hobbies in a stress-free way. Follow my journey: