Random/Railroad/Day 110

Nothing Ever Happens

Until it does

Izzibella Beau
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2024


Today’s random word is Railroad

100 Words + Fiction + Complete Story = A Drabble

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It’s a small town. I’ve lived here all my life. Nothing ever happens.

Lucy talked to herself as she walked home. It was really dark; the only light was from her phone.

It was past midnight, her friends were drunk, and she wanted to leave the party and get home quickly. The easy solution was to take the railroad tracks instead of the roadway. Fifteen minutes compared to thirty.

She passed a farm, which meant she would be home after the next bend.

Lucy didn’t hear him as he silently stalked behind her. Lucy never made it to the bend.

I used to walk the railroad tracks all the time growing up; the easiest way from Point A to Point B. Living in a small western Pennsylvania town was pretty safe. Would I do it now, that would be a hell no.

Thank you, Nancy Oglesby, for today’s random word drabble challenge.



Izzibella Beau
Fiction Shorts

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond