Nothing Is Ever Acquired

The wind can always turn

Ludiane de Brocéliande
Fiction Shorts


Image created by the author in Nightcafe AI

The random word of today is «established»

30 seconds of reading are required for it to be counted. 
Make yourself comfortable, read, highlight and comment,
you'll see, it goes by very quickly! 😁
That's what I do for you.

In the forest of Brocéliande, an established order favors deer, leaving the smaller animals without resources.

Then, the old fox decides to remedy this injustice. He brings the rabbits, squirrels, and birds together for a secret council.

We have to change the powers that be,” he said.

They come up with an ingenious plan. Squirrels harvest acorns in abundance, rabbits dig tunnels to store them, and birds survey their surroundings.

Winter arrives, the deer find themselves without food.

The small animals, thanks to their provisions, show that a sharing is possible.

The established order finally changed, bringing justice to all.

© Ludiane de Brocéliande

I have other drabbles about the forest of Brocéliande. You can read them here ⬇️



Ludiane de Brocéliande
Fiction Shorts

Owner of : Francophone by birth. I write about animals, life, death, love, humor in prose and poetry.