Fiction / Drabble / Challenge

Officer Willis Walks to the Corner Drug Store One Night

He wonders why the lights are still on

Jerry Dwyer
Fiction Shorts


The random word for the day is special.
The genre for today is mystery.

A policeman walks across a nearly deserted street late at night towards a corner drug store that is all lit up.
AI image generated with CoPilot Designer by the author.

Drabbles are works of fiction of exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
Please stay on the page for 30 seconds or more, so the stories are counted as read. Please read, highlight, clap, comment — let us know you’ve been here! Thank you!

Officer Willis noticed the light was still on at the corner drugstore. He opened the door and the bell jingled. Charley was at the counter with his hands up. The drugged-up hippie dressed in squalor had a gun in his hand, now pointed directly at Officer Willis.

“You don’t really want to pull that trigger. Just drop your weapon and let me get you some medical help.”

The gunman dropped his Saturday Night Special. Charley dropped his hands and said “Whew!”

Officer Willis took a few extra breaths, too.

His little boy did not lose his daddy that night.

Let’s hear the opening 32 seconds of my favorite TV police detective series of the 50s and 60s. Surely, you remember Jack Webb declaring “My name’s Friday. I’m a cop.”

Here is Nancy Oglesby’s prompt for Day 183 of the Random Word Drabble Challenge on Fiction Shorts:

Ludiane de Brocéliande stepped out of her magical forest for a while to write this excellent drabble for yesterday’s mystery challenge (Day # 182).

My Tag List

Let me know in a comment if you would like to be added to or deleted from this list: Harry Hogg, Luke Warburton, A man leading a simple life, Michael Rhodes, Randy Pulley, Bruce Coulter, Adrienne Beaumont, Julia A. Keirns, Delaney Patterson, Karen Schwartz, Lynn L. Alexander, Judy Derby, Kelly Corinne Elliott, Paula Shablo, Michele Maize, CJ Coop, Brandon Ellrich, Patricia Timmermans, Maria Rattray, Jonny Masters, Stephen Dalton, Izzibella Beau, Denée King, Nancy S Rust, Robin MS, Glenn M Stewart and John Hansen.

Thanks for reading!



Jerry Dwyer
Fiction Shorts

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.