Fiction / Drabble / Challenge

On the Standard of Excellence for All Important Human Activity

Day Seven of the new random word drabble challenge — standard.

Jerry Dwyer
Fiction Shorts


A man running on a dirt track with a blurry bright background.
Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash

His name was Rob. He was smart, handsome and polite. I think he may have met the standard of excellence for almost all human activity.

He stood six feet tall and weighed 185 pounds. He ran ten miles every day. He always smiled and said thank you. He even held the door open for everyone.

Rumors started to spread on Medium about Rob. He was helping people with their stories. He supplied Tony with algorithms. He came up with random words for Nancy.

People were asking Rob to run for Congress.

There was only one problem.
Rob was a robot.

Here is Nancy Oglesby’s prompt for Day Seven of the Random Word Drabble Challenge on Fiction Shorts:

My Tag List

Let me know in a comment if you would like to be added to or deleted from this list: Harry Hogg, Luke Warburton, Michael Rhodes, Randy Pulley, Bruce Coulter, A man leading a simple life, Adrienne Beaumont, Julia A. Keirns, Delaney Patterson, Karen Schwartz, Lynn L. Alexander, Judy Derby, Paula Shablo, Kelly Corinne Elliott, Pamela Oglesby, Michele Maize and John Hansen.

Thanks for reading!



Jerry Dwyer
Fiction Shorts

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.