Out There, Somewhere

Astronaut, Lost

Sarah S
Fiction Shorts
Jan 7, 2024


Photo by Cottonbro Studio on Pexels & Canva

Today’s word is somewhere.

A second ago, the ship’s lights went out, leaving me stranded in the dark at the edge of the wreckage. My crew is gone, the radio shattered, everything except one blinking yellow light from the last working pod. Suddenly, a blast hits me and I fall to my knees. Looking up, two shooting stars glide through the sky like colourful fish speeding through water. One flickers out like a candle, while the other plunges towards me. I watch them for a few minutes, wondering if it’s the rescue crew or something else. Both, I’m sure, are lurking out there, somewhere.

This flash fiction piece is a response to day 6 of the Random Word Drabble Challenge: Somewhere by Nancy Oglesby. Thanks for reading!

Check out Day 6 Random Word Drabble Challenge here



Sarah S
Fiction Shorts

Writer. Reviewer. Book Lover. Film Enthusiast. Dedicated to unravelling the magic of stories through insightful reviews and handpicked recommendations.