Performing Before the Whole School

Crystal’s presentation

Tonia Bakare
Fiction Shorts


Drabble Word Prompt 97: Entire

A hall packed full with people sitting.
Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

Because a drabble is quite short(only 100 words) please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds to count this as a full read. Reading to the end, clapping, and highlighting will help to do this.

Crystal is preparing hard for the speech she’ll be giving in the school. She stands before the mirror in her room practicing. She’s happy it will be a small audience — just her classmates and a few teachers.

“Aren’t you tired yet?” Luke asks coming in to watch.

“No, I’ve got to get it right.”

“It sounds okay to me.”

She rolls her eyes and continues.

The next morning, she’s early to school and waiting anxiously in the headteacher’s office to be called. When it’s time, she walks into the hall to find the entire school seated, eagerly anticipating her performance.



Tonia Bakare
Fiction Shorts

Christian. Mental Health and Wellness. Personal Development. Lawyer. Love books. Love poetry. Love sharing knowledge and learning.