Playful Dream of Love

Holding hands and dreaming together

Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts
Published in
Feb 24, 2024


Random Word Drabble Day 55: “Holding”

Please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds, clap and highlight if you like my short story of 100 words.

Holding her husband’s hand, Ali closed her eyes.
She imagined a sultry summer night, her bare feet feeling the coolness of the turquoise waters washing softly over the white sands of the beach littered with pink sea shells.
“My love, is there anything else you’d like?” Elain asked, listening to her fantasy.
“Two vanilla-flavored moons illuminating the ocean,” she giggled, lovingly pressing her warm body against his.
As they made love on the soft sand, she opened her eyes and laughed joyfully, seeing two moons hovering above them.
They lived in a world that he created from her thoughts.



Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts

Master's degree in Pharmacy; Romantic at heart; Joyful in life