Prepare to Have Your Mind Blown

On a budget

Mike Range
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2024


“It’s… beautiful.” (image: Monstera Productions via pexels)

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words.
This day’s random word was “variety.”

Rachel spun in a slow circle, surveying her choices. The number was mind bending, yes, but the variety! That civilization had accomplished this was a miracle. Magic. Every six months or so, she would walk into this building, or one like it, and be as blissfully overwhelmed as the last time.

Buy any one of these thousands of items, and she could live a dream. Be anyone. Go anywhere. And the cost for such transformation, such exploration? Trivial. She could walk away with dozens of these tiny time machines for a few dollars.

God, how she loved library book sales.

I came to Nancy Oglesby’s intriguing challenge late, on Day 94. So this is me starting to work my way back through the list. Will I get back to Day 1? I am not going to promise myself that, as I have promised myself other things, yet here I still sit, not running a marathon. But while life and motivation allow, I’m going to drabble along the path back toward January.

I enjoyed this drabble from Eaflevin. I think you will, too…



Mike Range
Fiction Shorts

Laughter™️ is the best medicine. Ask your doctor if Laughter™️ is right for you. Points In Case, Weekly Humorist, End of the Bench Sports. @MovieLeagueMike