Fiction Shorts/Random Word Drabble 43

Pulling the Emotional Card

Two + Two = Five

John Hansen
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2024


Random word drabble 43: “emotional.”

A young man being cross-examined in court by Lawyer

Because a drabble is quite short (only 100 words) please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds to count this as a full read. Reading to the end, clapping, and highlighting will help to do this.

The Defense attorney engaged me, “Mr. Hansen, have you ever met or had dealings with my client before?”

“Apart from crossing paths when entering the lift … no,” I answered.

“So, any opinion you hold of him is based on what you have seen on TV or just judgmental on your behalf, is that true?”

“I guess that’s true.”

“Can I also assume, that after finding your friend deceased in such a manner that you were feeling very emotional? Then remembering you had encountered my client leaving the lift, you put two and two together and came up with five?”

2024© John Hansen: All rights reserved.
Australian writer

Each day, I post a word for the following day. Your challenge is to write a drabble (a story of exactly 100 words) in which the day’s random word features.
Nancy Oglesby



John Hansen
Fiction Shorts

Freelancer, poet, and short fiction writer, who loves experimenting with different styles and genres. Writing is in my soul and it won't leave!