Reading in Public

100-word short story

Victoria Virgo
Fiction Shorts


The random word is observed

Image created by author using Nightcafe AI

From Day 46 of The Random Word Challenge — 15 February 2024

Alison spotted the empty bench. She walked over, took her book out and prepared to enjoy her reading session.

Suddenly she was surrounded by three women. Two sat on her left and the other sat on her right.

Immediately on her guard, Alison gathered her bags closer to her.

She zipped up her purse and tried to remain calm, staring hard at her book.

It was broad daylight. Were these women really going to rob her?

That was when Alison observed their hearing devices. She looked around and saw the tour guide.

Alison was relieved.

Just tired tourists, not thieves.

What Is A Drabble?

A drabble is a story told in 100 words. No more, no less.

About Me



Victoria Virgo
Fiction Shorts

A 50+ year old woman learning how to make money from my hobbies in a stress-free way. Follow my journey: