Red Chilli


Neera Handa Dr
Fiction Shorts


Random word Benighted

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Back home, I went to see my old colleague, Mr. Kancha.

His wife opened the door.

“Where is Sir?”

“He passed away!”

“Oh, no, what happened?”

“Heart attack!” She sobbed.


“You know, after retirement, he had started growing chillies!”

“So, what happened to him?”

“Oh, that day, my son-in-law came for lunch, but we didn't have any green chillies.


“Your Kancha Sir ran to the garden, and there, he had a heart attack!”

“Oh! what did you do then?” I was shocked.

“God save his benighted soul, but then we had to manage with red chillies”.

This drabble is in response to Nancy Oglesby’s daily drabble random word benighted from a few days ago.

I loved the word, and was amazed how other writers had used it in their stories.



Neera Handa Dr
Fiction Shorts

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.