Remember This Moment? He’ll Never Forget
Drabble 306 | Cabinet
Today’s drabble challenge word is “cabinet”.
Today’s drabble challenge twist is to set the story in “base camp at Mount Everest”.
Drabbles are short — only and exactly 100 words.
Whether you are delighted or dismayed by what you read, let me know you’ve been here by highlighting, clapping, and commenting! Thank you!
Tommy was exhausted.
After all, it took three flights and 19 hours in the air just to reach Kathmandu.
After two days acclimatising, a short flight to Lukla, and a 12-day hike, he’d reached base camp.
Uncle Thomas was here five years earlier, disappearing up Everest never to return.
And Tommy was determined to fulfill Uncle Thomas’s very specific instructions on how to claim the entire inheritance.
All he needed to do was bring the ashes of dear Aunt Mildred and reunite them.
He sat bolt upright! Aunt Mildred!
Oh drat! She was still sitting on his bedside cabinet…
Thank you for reading my drabble.
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