Fiction Shorts | Random Word Drabble Challenge
Revenge, Gone Sour
Drabble #334 — Motion
A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
The word of the day is MOTION. The twist is the setting.
They’d laughed and schemed away the whole lunch hour, and had the plan formulated by the end of the school day. Sweet revenge for that last prank he’d pulled on them.
All that was left was to set it in motion.
A rainjacket borrowed from Luke’s dad, with promises to return it by morning. The red balloon, like the one he’d described from the nightmare that had left him so unsettled.
At nightfall they took their places in the bushes along that country road, waiting for Derek to lure him to the spot.
But they hadn’t anticipated the other driver.
This story was inspired by the Random Word Drabble Challenge by Nancy Oglesby at Fiction Shorts.