A Broken Leg

Random Word Drabble Challenge 205

Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts


The word of the day is selected, with a twist.

Photo taken by the author.

A Drabble is a short fiction story of exactly 100 words. The selected word today is selected. And the twist is that you can do anything, anywhere, anytime ever, but only for five minutes. This should be fun…

Julie was feeling sorry for herself. If only she hadn’t slipped on that ice last week she wouldn’t have broken her leg.

Rich brought in the mail and handed it to her. Julie selected one to open. It was a get-well card from an old high school friend. Julie couldn’t believe that Mary had taken the time to send her a card. How nice.

“I wish you could go back in time for only five minutes and change the fact that you slipped on the ice. Then your leg wouldn’t be broken. Get Well Soon.”

Me too, thought Julie.

I enjoyed reading the following story written by Jennifer Morrison.



Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.