She Has a Good Point

Karen Schwartz
Fiction Shorts


Today’s random word is Dictionary.

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Because drabbles are short, please consider staying on this page for at least 30 seconds. I’d love to know you were here. 💕

“Mom, am I the only person who struggles with the hard-copy version of the dictionary?” Lisa asked, watching her mother hang socks.

“What do you mean?”

“I look up English words to learn their spelling, but to find them, you already need to know how to spell them.

“Consider laundry. Who knew it has a ‘u?’ Wouldn’t most people look up lawndry?”

“Yes. Perhaps.”

“And how about laugh (laff), certain (sertin), and phone (fone)?

“Can you blame me for being confused?”

“Lisa, why not just use Google or AI to help you?”


“Doesn’t anyone think for themselves anymore?”

Remember to visit Fiction Shorts often daily so you don’t miss my daily drabbles and those of other deserving drabblers.

Nancy Oglesby writes, “If you are unfamiliar with a drabble, it is a fiction story of exactly 100 words.”



Karen Schwartz
Fiction Shorts

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.