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Sips of Devotion & Other Steamy Thoughts
RWDrabble 2.0.022 | Word: Enrage
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The random word is enrage, and must be told from the POV of a writer’s first cup of coffee.
Drabbles are fiction stories that contain exactly 100 words. Because they’re so short, please let me know you were here by reading all the way to the bottom of the page.
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Every morning, I await his lips. His gentle touch is so warm and tender. He cradles me tenderly, savoring my warmth.
Today, though, he hesitates, eyeing a packet of Jasmine Tea Latte. I am enraged. I am about to boil over. I hiss, letting my steam rise like a jealous ghost.
“Don’t do it — I’ll turn bitter,” I silently steam.
Finally, he comes to his senses and pours me into his cup. He again chooses me and murmurs, “Nothing beats that first cup of coffee.”
As his lips brush seductively on my cup’s lips, I flood him with hot comfort.
Thanks to Nancy Oglesby and Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge. 👇👇👇