That’s a Wrap

Random Word Drabble Challenge 206: funds

Katy Lin
Fiction Shorts
1 min readJul 24, 2024


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

“What is with those panda eyes, Danny? Please do not tell me you were out partying last night! Let me call the makeup artist over to patch up those dark circles of yours,” suggested Sandy.

“I have been struggling to memorize these lines for today’s movie scene. I’ve barely had a wink,” Danny replied. “No worries though! I’ve got it down. I AM ready!”

“That’s a wrap! I’m afraid we’re not shooting the next scene everyone!” hollered the movie director.

“Why not?” exclaimed Danny.

“Our producers have run into some production problems. Basically, we’re out of funds!” said the director.



Katy Lin
Fiction Shorts

Inspiring all the goodness in life. 💌 Practicing the art of observation.