The Adventures of Gargletooth

The random word of the day is ‘doughy’

Miriam Connolly
Fiction Shorts
2 min readJul 10, 2024


An illustration of a large rat holding a meeting with a circle of attentive rats
‘Gargletooth the Liberated’ created by Dall-E/Author

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No More. No Less.

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Gargletooth, the rum-loving rat with a score to settle, sat in a circle of fellow liberated lab rats.

“Alcoholics Anonymous for Animals (AAA),” gathered weekly, sharing tales of recovery.

Stories of mascara tests and nicotine patches prevailed but Gargletooth’s mind was on his vengeance against Oblivion Laboratories.

A clear head was essential, yet the longing for a sip of RumChata persisted.

Suddenly, Gargletooth’s eyes met a charming beauty’s gaze. She smiled, offering him a pastry.

“Care for a doughy distraction?” she asked.

“Thank you,” Gargletooth took the pastry. It was gooey, comforting, and, most importantly, non-alcoholic.

Sugar rush!

Let me introduce you to Gargletooth:

Miriam Connolly © 2024. All rights reserved|

A big thanks to Nancy Oglesby and her wonderful team at Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge. You can check it out here:

Discover the brilliance of Fiction Shorts authors through these captivating drabbles — Here is one that caught my eye:

As an Irish lass myself, I wholeheartedly share this moving story of resilience and hope during the Irish famine from Bernadette E Wallace



Miriam Connolly
Fiction Shorts

Drawing inspiration from life experience, I love reading and writing about personal growth, culture and creativity