Drabble Challenge | Fiction | Short Story

The Byzantine Grandeur

A day at Hagia Sophia.

Afiani Rui
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2024


Photo by Diego Allen on Unsplash

Today’s random word is historian with a twist must include an original haiku.

Today, our field study takes us to the Hagia Sophia. We’re tasked with exploring Byzantine architecture. Our guide, a passionate historian as well as an architect, shares his deep admiration for this magnificent building. As we explore, I’m struck by the grandeur of the golden domes, intricate ornaments, and Corinthian columns.

After the tour, I sketch every detail, captivated by the historical weight — capturing their glory and victory. Everything fills me with awe.

In the corner of my sketchbook, I write a reflection on how the architecture has moved me:

Hagia Sophia,
Golden domes touch for heaven
Timeless splendor reigns

This is a random word drabble challenge by Nancy Oglesby. A drabble is a short piece of fiction that contains exactly 100 words. If you want to join the challenge, please check the link below.



Afiani Rui
Fiction Shorts

Personal blog. Highly interested in history, culture, and literature.