The Choice for Eternity

Insidious or truthful to the end of times

Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts
Mar 3, 2024


Credits: AI and Alex Mos

Random Word Drabble Day 63: “Insidious”

Please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds, clap and highlight if you like my short story of 100 words.

A sudden gust of wind lifted the velvet drapery covering the tall window in my chambers. I saw a winged shadow appear on the silky wall tapestry beside my bed in the silver rays of the full moon.
The phantom grew, materializing into a supernatural entity in the spacetime of my reality.
The sensation of fear and desire paralyzed my every muscle. Tonight, I left the window open to receive their gift of eternal love, but what if the being is insidious?
Swiftly, their presence possessed my body and mind with a kiss of immortality.
Now I’m their bride forever.



Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts

Master's degree in Pharmacy; Romantic at heart; Joyful in life