The Cliffhanger Conundrum

Unfinished business

Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min read2 days ago


Random Drabble Challenge Word: Settled

Sentence Prompt: This is the last sentence I will be writing and I am going to stop mid — sent…

Image generated by the author using AI Bing Copilot

A drabble is a 100-word, short fictional story. It is all about exploring, creating and experimenting.

“This is the last sentence I will be writing, and I am going to stop mid-sent…”

“Wait, what? Have you gone mad, Claire?” Gerald expressed his astonishment.

“What’s there to be surprised about? I’m not going to the Himalayas to get settled or wear a religious garment,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“But you can’t leave a script hanging in midair like an unsuspected body.”

“Gerald, why are you overreacting? Take a chill pill.”

“Moreover, leave something for our audience. The suspense will keep them hooked, trust me. It’s genius!”

“I can see that, Mrs. Einstein,” he said, laughing.

I’m tagging some of my favorite and cherished drabblers here. They are amazing and make a great community, which I am lucky to be a part of.

Nancy Oglesby — Nancy S Rust — Harry Hogg — Julia A. Keirns — Lynn L. Alexander — Randy Pulley — Denée King — Izzibella Beau — Jennifer Morrison — Nanya Sands — Jonny Masters — CJ Coop — Jessica's Quill — Jason Edmunds — Maria Rattray — Miriam Connolly — Carole Olsen — Nanie Hurley 🌿 — Goldie Trojan — Diane Foster — Nerdishwrites — Anthea Jones — Nicolas Ramis🦎 — The Ink Rat — Robin MS — Eko B — Eaflevin — Bill Willisford — Michael John Scott — Ludiane de Brocéliande — missmedieval — HABEEBAH OYEDOKUN — Misha Seeks — OBA.T.K — Leslie Flemons — Victoria Virgo — Patricia Timmermans — Karen Schwartz — Karen Hoffman — Kim Zuch — Sal Gallaher — Stephen Dalton — Steve Vernon — Poet In The Arctic.

Don’t want to get tagged? Just let me know. Indicate in your reply if you wish to be added to my list.

Feel free to give this drabble your 50 claps if you enjoyed it. I appreciate your time and efforts.

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Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
Fiction Shorts

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.