Random Word Drabble

The Drabble Competition

Drabble day 176 — college/romance

Lynn L. Alexander
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2024


Created with BING AI

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.

Adam and Abby met at the college’s annual drabble competition.

They literally bumped into each other when submitting their entries.

They had words with each other. Exactly 100.

Abby thought Adam was cute, but he was her competitor. She didn’t want to mix pleasure with drabbling.

Adam thought Abby was weird.

Abby won first prize; her drabble was read aloud.

Her words captivated Adam. He didn’t think she was so weird after all.

He asked Abby to a poetry reading. She said yes, even though there was no rhyme or reason.

They fell in love and drabbled happily ever after.

Here’a a great drabble by Dawn Smiles



Lynn L. Alexander
Fiction Shorts

Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.