The Escape Room

She really wanted out

Mary Morton
Fiction Shorts


The word of the day is “confines”

Photo by Rayson Tan on Unsplash

Amanda was stuck within the confines of these walls for at least another hour. She was beginning to feel if she stayed another minute it might result in murder.

Earl was rubbing his tongue along his teeth like he was trying to clean out day-old food.

Sarah was twisting her long auburn hair over her index finger - again.

Madalyn was pacing around in agitation.

She felt like she could hear every breath and move someone made.

No one seemed interested in figuring out the clues.

She had no idea why she had ever agreed to do this escape room.

If you like drabbles check out this drabble I read by Denée King. It’s a fun little story about being a freshman.

If you would like to check out my other drabbles here is my last one:



Mary Morton
Fiction Shorts

Holds a bachelors degree in English from the Ohio State University. Avid journaler and cat lover. Writes a variety of topics including mental health experiences