Member-only story
The Food of Love
RWDrabble 2.0.009 | Garnish
Today’s drabble challenge word is “garnish”.
Today’s drabble challenge twist is to base the story on the image below.
A drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
If you enjoyed this, let me know by highlighting, clapping, and commenting!
“We travel to my wife’s village every few years,” says Fred. “Whenever we visit, they feed us so well.”
“Eat, eat, we are told,” laughs Meryl. “It’s always delicious! And we’re hungry alright!”
“The neighbours visit, bringing these plates of rich, tasty food,” says Fred.
“Everyone I grew up with drops by,” says Meryl.
“Eating, talking, sharing… for days!” Fred smiles.
“It’s magnificent,” agrees Meryl.
“But by the end of our trip, I want nothing but sandwiches and a simple soup!” admits Fred.
“By the time we leave, I don’t even have room for a sprig of garnish!” laughs Meryl.