The Great Diaper Escape

Random Word Drabble Challenge 144

Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts


The word of the day is baby.

Photo taken by jakeirns.

A Drabble is a short fiction story of exactly 100 words. No more. No less. I like to try to come up with funny ones. I hope this one brings a smile to your face.

Rich was over-enthusiastic about keeping baby Olley’s diaper changed, but the stinker wriggled free and took off, dirty diaper in tow.

Julie was on the phone and rolled her eyes while shaking her head.

Rich unsuccessfully grabbed after the fast-crawling roadster.

Olley crawled across the pillows on the floor leaving a brown trail behind him. Julie threw her hands up in the air and hung up to join the chase.

That baby was fast.

Victorious, Julie snatched up the stinker and made Rich clean up the mess.

Giggling excessively, baby Olley laid still for Julie and thought, “Next time suckers.”

Here is another great baby story by writer Miriam Connolly.

Thanks for reading. Please clap, highlight, and comment to let me know you were here.



Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.