Fiction Shorts | Random Word Drabble Challenge

The Interview

Patricia Timmermans
Fiction Shorts
2 min readJan 10, 2024


The word for this challenge is morning.

Photo by Sophia Sideri on Unsplash

Ava needed this job.

With her sister working lates, if Ava landed a day job, their brother could stay with the girls. Together they’d make it work.

“How fast can you type?” asked the interviewer.

“60 words per minute,” Ava replied, “75 on an electric.”

“Can you work a switchboard?”

“Yes,” Ava lied. She’d seen a switchboard at Sears, how hard could it be?

“Do you drive?”

“Yes,” again Ava lied. She would catch rides and hitchhike if she had to.

Holding onto the tiny cross, Ava thought one word, please.

The interviewer sighed, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

What is the random word drabble challenge? First, a drabble is a short fiction standalone story of exactly 100 words in length. For this fiction writing challenge, we will receive a new random word from Nancy Oglesby each day, and our story is to include that word.

This challenge is for you if you’re trying to boost your creativity, build a consistent writing habit, or just have fun!



Patricia Timmermans
Fiction Shorts

My guide dog and I visit schools to raise awareness for sight loss; the kids’ questions make great stories! Plus, I love books and writing book reviews. 🇨🇦