The King of the Body

Every day there was an argument


Credit Gentle07 on Pixabay

This post is a random word Drabble, short fiction using the word ‘battle.’

Ready, set, go!

Always arguments among the body parts as to who was the King of the Body.

“I’m the King!” the mouthy mouth shouted, “Through me sustenance passes!!

“No! I’m King!” cried the arrogant eyes, "Through me, light passes.”

“The egotistical ears sounded off, “Without me you’d hear nothing!”

A distant voice spoke up, “How about me?”

It was the anus.

All the other body parts laughed.

Angry, the anus shut his gates.

Soon the mouth couldn’t eat, eyes or the ears hear.

“Yes! yes! agreed the body parts!” You are the King — Sir Anus.”

Battle over in less than a week.

98 Random Word Drabble. Challenge 4/7 | by Nancy Oglesby | Fiction Shorts | Apr, 2024 | Medium



Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.