The Lying Fortuneteller

Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts
Published in
Jan 24, 2024

The dilemma of a comforting lie and a deadly truth

Credits: AI and Alex Mos

Random Word Drabble Day 24: “Lie”

Please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds, clap and highlight if you like my short story of 100 words.

It was a lady’s night. Clara and Denise were finishing their third round of drinks when a gypsy woman approached them.

“Do you want to know your future, ladies?” the fortuneteller asked politely.

“No, it’s bullshit,” Denise said with contempt.

“Wait, I want to hear it,” Clara giggled.
The gypsy laid down her cards, and her smile faded away.

“You will live a long, happy life”. She whispered without looking up.
The girls laughed and handed over a few coins to the woman.

The fortuneteller lied. Clara and her friend were destined to die that night in a car crash.



Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts

Master's degree in Pharmacy; Romantic at heart; Joyful in life