The Meaning of Time

Has nothing to do with time itself

Eko B
Fiction Shorts


Author’s collection ( downloaded from Pixabay; artist: libellule789)

Today’s words are set, put, and run

We don’t set the alarm because we put importance to time. We set it because we hope time can help us.

Like last night, Lisa set her phone alarm at 5:30. She put the phone under the pillow so she could hear it.

Why was she adamant about waking up at 5:30?

It’s because she wants to catch a bus for school at 6:30, so she’ll arrive at 7:45 and has some running time to kiss her lovely Brandon.

Then, both of them will run to class, set their desk, and put their focus together.

Romance could certainly be motivating!

“The magic cannot leave when it is you” (anonymous)

So, set the magic inside you, put it to work, and run it wholeheartedly!

Thank you, Nancy Oglesby, for a great challenge.

Fiction Shorts Editors, thank you for your time and support. I appreciate it.



Eko B
Fiction Shorts

I'm in love with imperfections and possibilities. The commitment to unlock and shine by keep on putting together the broken pieces to create a masterpiece.