The Middle School Disaster

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readMay 20, 2024


There was a sudden jolt

Credit Jan Baby on Pixabay

A Drabble is a short story comprised of exactly 100 word. Every day the creator is challenged to include a featured word interwoven in his story.

Today the word is ‘necessary’

Most middle school kids want to be treated as adults.

Basketball coach to reader — don’t.

The Oakhurst Middle School boys basketball team piled into the school van for the short trip to Wanamassa Middle School for a schedualed game.

As coach and only adult in the group, it was necessary I drive the van.

Backing out of the parking place in front of the school, I realized I couldn’t see out of the van’s rear window; tall preteens.

“Hey Mickey!” I asked the team’s awkward gangly twelve year old center, “Is there a car in back of us?”

“No” Mickey.


“Only a truck.” Mickey added.

They’re just kids I reminded myself through gritted teeth.

For a great read please check out the drabble written by Master Jodi Harrison-Lee




Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.