The Monologue

That never got heard

Eko B
Fiction Shorts


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Today’s random word is rapid; the first line is “I’m not going to the reading of the will”

I’m not going to the reading of the will! Especially after our rapid small talk recently! You didn’t tell me you were dying! And now, after you’re dead, you expect me to fly eight hours… spend around a thousand bucks on my American Express… simply to hear your last words. Gosh! Even after death, you managed to annoy me! You’d known me for forty-six years… yet, other than the two minutes… our first kiss moment, I’d never felt your sincere heart! All you cared about was always who gets what. All I cared about was you got me! ARGHHHH!!!

Thank you, Nancy Oglesby, for a great inspiration.

Fiction Shorts Editors, thank you for your time and support.




Eko B
Fiction Shorts

I'm in love with imperfections and possibilities. The commitment to unlock and shine by keep on putting together the broken pieces to create a masterpiece.