Fiction Shorts Random Drabble 76

The Narrow-Eyed Man

It just proves kids shouldn’t jump to conclusions

Michael John Scott
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readMar 16, 2024


Random drabble 76: “brook”

A monster is crossing the brook.
Picture by Dall-E-3

The gardener was an evil man. He had narrow eyes, and everyone knew narrow-eyed people were evil. He also had a beard, and Mom had told Dad she would divorce him if he grew a beard.

A monster crossed the little brook one day. Mommy screamed, and Daddy got his gun, but it was too late. The monster charged at him while Mommy and I hid in the closet.

When we finally came out, we saw the monster was dead. The narrow-eyed gardener had killed him and saved us all. Narrow-eyed men aren’t so bad after all.

“Each day, I post a word for the following day. Your challenge is to write a drabble (a story of exactly 100 words) in which the day’s random word features.” Nancy Oglesby



Michael John Scott
Fiction Shorts

Writer, editor, veteran, professor, dog lover. Writing is my passion. I love to write horror, fantasy, sci-fi and, from time to time, real life.