Member-only story
The One with the Unfamiliar Attendant
RWDrabble 2.0.020 | Word: Endeavor
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The random word is endeavor, and the story must address whoever lives in the apartment in the image.
Drabbles are fiction stories that contain exactly 100 words. Because they’re so short, please let me know you were here by reading all the way to the bottom of the page.
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As I endeavor to remember where I am and how I got here, I stare out the window at Central Park.
I miss my Friends. I miss Monica’s whiney voice and her cooking. I miss Phoebe and Joey. I miss Ugly Naked Guy and Mr. Heckles. Oh yeah, he died, didn’t he? I miss Miss Chanandler Bong, but I heard something happened to him, too.
Maybe I’ll go down to Central Perk and get a coffee like I used to…
The door bangs open, and an attendant says, “Medication time.” Where did she come from? I don’t remember this episode.