Fiction Shorts Drabble — Day 188

The Plague-Bringers Trail

Who rides there, through dust and dark?

Lukas Unger
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min read1 day ago


Today’s word is remind + Twist: Genre Western

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A drabble is a piece of fiction, exactly 100 words long.

By the time Hanson got to his eyewitness, the man had turned delirious, wasting away in a foul-smelling sickbed.

“And you saw the rider? With your own eyes?”

The dying man nodded. “With my own eyes. God… ” He made a rattling sound, filled with mucus and pain.

“Man’s got a bounty on his head I mean to collect.”

His eyes grew wide. “Then you’re the biggest fool I’ve met. You don’t know who he is?”

“Remind me.” Hanson grinned without humor.

“They say death rides on a pale steed. This one, though? He’s meant to make us suffer.”

Thank you for reading!

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Lukas Unger
Fiction Shorts

Speculative Fiction writer, political science student, and socialist from Germany. Support my creative work here: