Member-only story
The Scryer of Eryndell
RWDrabble 2.0.015 | Known
A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words — no more, no less. So please stick around for 30 seconds so Medium can see it’s been read. Any claps, highlights, and comments will help support my work and encourage me to keep going.
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The moon rose high in the night sky, the candles flickering in the breeze. Shadows danced in the small room at the top of the tower. Surrounded by books and maps, a robed figure stooped over a scrying stone. His pale, three-fingered hands moved over the glass orb, clearing the clouds. Within, he saw a vicious, bloody war: orcs and elves, men and dwarves clashed in combat.
An orange glow smudged the horizon through his window. Flames and screams filled the air. His reptilian face stretched in a grotesque smile. It had begun, as he had known it would.
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And you can read my other short stories and flash fiction here.
Check out this fantastic drabble on Fiction Shorts from Gary L Ellis: