Member-only story
The Towering Taste of Triumph
RWDrabble 2.0.014 | Terrarium
Today’s drabble challenge word is “terrarium”.
Today’s drabble challenge twist is that the story must start with the phrase “rainwater poured in”.
A drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
If you enjoyed this, let me know by highlighting, clapping, and commenting!
Rainwater poured in through the window when I knocked it open, defending the place from intruders. Everyone hates flies, right?
I tried to tidy up, but one tongue can only manage so much.
When my family returned, they seemed remarkably distracted. Phew! I dodged a telling-off!
Instead, Dad brought out the old terrarium.
The kids and I watched as he added straw, a heat lamp, and what was this? Proto-chickens?
Placing it on top of the fish tank, I wagged my understanding! This growing tower of live snacks was to thank me for being such a good boy!
Thank you for reading my drabble. Feel like creating your own? The following explains…