The Wash House Was Closed

Gregory’s future depended on it

Ludiane de Brocéliande
Fiction Shorts


Image created by the author in Nightcafe AI

The random word of today is «climb» — a setup

After committing his horrible crime, Gregory rushed to the wash house, hoping to erase all traces of his crime.

Arriving there, panting, only to discover that it had closed earlier than expected.

Frustrated but determined, he climbed through a window left ajar, his bag of bloody clothes in his hand.

Inside, the machines were silent, the air thick with detergent.

As he hurried to load a machine, a flashlight came on, revealing the stern face of a policeman.

Did you think you’d get away with this?” he asked, his gaze piercing.

Trapped, Gregory understood that his escape had just ended.

© Ludiane de Brocéliande

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Ludiane de Brocéliande
Fiction Shorts

Owner of : Francophone by birth. I write about animals, life, death, love, humor in prose and poetry.