The X Spot

Where their hearts met…

Eko B
Fiction Shorts


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

Today’s random word is credit; today’s genre is romance

She stands in front of the gate of their high school, remembering how she met him right on that spot. Spot X, they called it…

“Can I help you? You look lost!”

“I’m a new student here. I don’t know where I’m supposed to be going.”

“What class are you in?” She noticed how calming his eyes were, and gosh… he was tall!

“I’m a freshman, class F-2.” He credited it to his luck! First day! A cute girl!

“Come! Follow me!”

They walked together, looking up to the sky… smiling.

She misses him….

Unfortunate! He couldn’t beat cancer.

Thank you, Nancy Oglesby, for the beautiful inspiration with a twist.




Eko B
Fiction Shorts

I'm in love with imperfections and possibilities. The commitment to unlock and shine by keep on putting together the broken pieces to create a masterpiece.